Infant Hair Loss - The most important about It

It is natural infant hair loss that parents are alarmed when they see their babies blocking hair loss. Almost all newborns lose some (or all) of your hair during the first six months of life. This is a normal process. In most cases, the hair grows over time, although the new hair may be a completely different color and texture of birth!
A common condition that can cause hair loss in babies is milk crusts. Cradle cap affects mainly children from two to six months; causing a rash extending crisp leather scalp. Without treatment, cradle cap usually disappears within a few months. In severe cases can cause itching and hair infant hair loss loss, and can also spread to other areas of the body.
Other forms of hair loss that affects newborns are rare. Often are congenital in nature and may include defects of the hair shaft. As the child grows, they become more susceptible to different types of hair loss. After discussing the rare forms of hair loss that can affect babies and children, and handed to the most common forms infant hair loss .
Atrichia congenital
Infant hair loss with Congenital Atrichia a child could be born with apparently normal hair; but once it enters the first rest period the hair falls out and the whole process stops growth. Hair grows, some cells have to stay in close contact with each other to transmit and receive signals necessary to maintain the operation of the hair growth cycle. With this condition cellular communication is disconnected, disabling the hair growth cycle.
Loose anagen syndrome
This type of hair loss is more typical in young children with beautiful hair thinning can be easily removed. Mainly affects girls with light hair. The hair does not usually grow beyond the nape of the neck. Under a microscope infant hair loss the hair appear to lack an inner and outer root sheath and ruffled cuticle.

Triangular alopecia
This is the pattern of hair loss that occurs in the time domain on one or both sides and is usually in a triangular shape. The absence of hair in this area is present at birth or shortly thereafter. It is permanent and irreversible, but is not progressive. The shape and size of the bald area remains the same throughout life infant hair loss.
Pili Torti infant hair loss
This condition may be congenital or acquired. It is more common in girls who have the fine blond hair. There is a rigid torsion of the hair fiber resulting in fractures in the cuticle layer of the hair shaft and infant hair loss the inner bark. The hair is dry and brittle and can stand out from the scalp. It breaks into different lengths.
Monilethrix infant hair loss
This infant hair loss is a rare disease that begins in childhood. Although the child was born with what appears to be normal down, soon replaced by dry, brittle hair that has a pearly appearance. The hair often breaks even with the scalp and rarely grows more than 2.5 cm.
Uncombable hair syndrome infant hair loss
Children with this syndrome usually have blond hair and silver glass is rebellious and not be flat. It is difficult or impossible to style. Because infant hair loss of its appearance, it is also called "spin glass hair." The scalp hair erratically. Microscopic evaluation revealed a triangular (or beans) hair in a bar with longitudinal grooves. The spontaneous improvement is often seen in adolescence.
The following types of hair loss are common in children four years and older.
Ringworm infant hair loss
Contrary to its name ringworm does not reach a worm but is caused by a type of fungi called dermatophytes. It is highly contagious and can be transmitted by other people or animals. It is mostly seen in children between 4 and 11 years. It usually starts with a small button that becomes larger, leaving scaly patches of baldness with a contour in the form of a ring. Hair often become brittle and infant hair loss breaks very close to the scalp causes what is called "black spots alopecia." Ringworm is also called ringworm.
Alopecia areata infant hair loss
Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that causes hair loss in common patches with well-defined margins. The onset of alopecia areata is most common in children between four and seven years, but it can affect infant hair loss anyone at any time. Alopecia areata can progress to alopecia totalis or alopecia universalis affecting the scalp and hair of the total body.
Traction alopecia infant hair loss
Traction alopecia occurs in sustained tension in the scalp due to hair cuts well drawn. Prolonged traction causes the hair follicle to release its roots. Cheerleaders, dancers and other children who regularly use this infant hair loss type of hairstyles are at risk. Also at risk are those who wear hair extensions are becoming increasingly popular. Persistent prolonged traction can cause permanent hair loss.
Trichotillomania infant hair loss
Trichotillomania can be translated from the infant hair loss Greek meaning a "manic desire to pull the hair itself." It is an impulse control disorder that often begins in childhood. A person suffering from this disorder feel an irresistible impulse hair. This desire causes extreme stress continues to grow until it pulls the hair.

Telogen effluvium
Telogen effluvium, also known as diffuse hair loss causes more hair than normal to retire in the resting phase. This may be a reaction to any disruption in the body hair is very sensitive to changes. This type of hair loss is usually temporary and easily corrected once the problem is identified and treated. Any type of infant hair loss disease, surgery or trauma can cause temporary loss of fuzzy hair.
Any medication can cause hair loss, although not listed as a symptom. Psychotropic drugs that are commonly prescribed for adolescents are known to cause hair loss in some people. The acne medicines derived from vitamin A can cause hair loss. Some anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory list hair loss as a side effect of infant hair loss medications. Any hormonal medication as birth control pills or steroids can cause hair loss.
Bacterial infections infant hair loss
Some bacteria and other microorganisms can infect the scalp causing swelling and loss of hair. Infections loss of scalp hair can be temporary infant hair loss or permanent depending on the extent of damage.
Eating disorders infant hair loss
Hair loss can be a symptom of an eating disorder infant hair loss such as anorexia or bulimia nervosa.
Puberty infant hair loss
Hair loss often occurs during periods of hormonal changes. Some hair infant hair loss loss may occur during puberty.
Vaccines infant hair loss
There have been reports of hair loss as an unwanted side effect of vaccination, mostly related to vaccination against hepatitis B and women receive for infant hair loss most.

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