CES - Consumer Electronics Show Coverage

The automotive industry is on an unstoppable arms race to offer consumers better largest and most advanced technological innovations in the automotive world. This is because a watch to see which company can offer the best most technologies, the fall of the jaw to consumers today. Technological advances are common foodstuffs ces, range of laser lights high.

GM is to serve those who enjoy driving and eating, with a program called rightly "AtYourService" in its OnStar system that connects people live an assistant when they need to do some shopping or even order room hotel ces.

For those who like to save a little here and there, this system offers retailers coupons and even help find a parking spot. Parking function will undoubtedly be of great help because we all know the horror of turning around, hoping to find a parking spot ces. For lovers of donuts, even GM has partnered with Dunkin Donuts to bring you the best donate your favorite businesses.

For those of you who like to connect your car with advanced graphics, the new Nvidia chip can be used for cars and tablets to help you drive, prevent accidents, and even pave the way for automated driving. ces Prepare for AT & T and Samsung to be huge players in new cars and even some applications dedicated to audio books that are perfect for long commutes.

Chrysler has even stepped up their game with a vehicle detector, sending the exact location of your car to an application on your smartphone. Every driver knows the scourge of frustration car ces "disappeared" who is, and how terribly it takes time to wander aimlessly in a parking lot to find your car.

A ces free man is the world of self-driving cars in the near future. Mercedes-Benz has unveiled a prototype of fully autonomous car.
This car is described as a luxury car that offers its pilots with a cabin that exudes luxury, including smart phones to connect to the "brain" of your own vehicle manufacturers know how smartphones are personal people today. Hyundai has even released a smart watch that the user can use to unlock or start your Hyundai Genesis ces.

All this technology can seem daunting and difficult to follow for some, but it was a few years ago that smartphones have started to catch on and become an integral part of our lives in shortly. Meanwhile ces, we just have to wait and see what the new technology was unveiled in the coming years and how to adapt to the changing world of technology.

CES is an innovative technology for cars, including car lighting, pairing the smartphone, and even autonomous vehicles ces.

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