Balance work and Life - 6 Golden Tips about it

Most of us are so far from living a balanced life that not even think possible. How could we, when it is so rare and never see. reconciling life seems to be one of those "urban legends", you know - a friend of a friend has balance work and life this guy who knows this man who seems to live a balanced life.

What's really funny to me is that I meet people who say they have balance, but I have no time. In fact, I heard it said in the same sentence before. I'm so fat because "it takes one to know one another." You see, most of my life that had no balance work and life "balance" itself.

I took a lot of interest because it was something I know I'm here to learn specifically. I decided to use the knowledge for this trip, and become a coach life balance. Not only to continue to teach, but to be able to shed some light that humans are desperate, including me: a life that feels whole, complete and satisfying balance work and life.

Balance work and life is most important
Balance work and life Everyone is different, and I know that respond to different methods. I will share some here who I know has worked for me and for others. Try them the size and feel what fits you.
1. Get some clarity balance work and life
This is a big deal. When we have an underlying belief that prevents us from being more balanced balance work and life, like "I have to work hard to have money and be worthy of love", then there are many things we do not know about you-even -. Just because you're not looking Balance is to have the four areas of your present life and represented: Auto friends, work, family and if you do not know what you want in all areas.

How do write it start making more questions -. I want what's balance work and life important to me-ons What I like to do excellent place to start ?? .
2. Revealing limiting balance work and life beliefs
Did I say clarity was the big deal? Well, this is a biggie too. If you do not believe it is possible to have a whole, complete, and full life - then there is no way you can have. Or, if you think you do not deserve it. I do not know a single person who does not have forty million limiting beliefs. Most of them given to us by society balance work and life, well-meaning parents, and the media. There are so many ways to work with beliefs.

Knowing what we now think is where it starts, so it does now. Back to # 1 and start asking these questions. When you do, look at your beliefs magically flow to the surface. There are thousands of ways to change beliefs: cognitive behavioral therapy, NLP, EFT, Byron "work" Katie, affirmations, training, the list goes on and on. Check in with yourself and see what's good for you balance work and life.

3. Say NO balance work and life
Most of our lives we have heard how it is not good to say no. It's bad feelings of the people. Meanwhile, we take the short end of the stick. Engaging and exhaustion. This is a huge thing you can practice immediately. Over the next five days, I invite you to say no to something in your life that does not work. Balance work and life when you say no, you can make room in your life for all those things that you really like.

Balance is a process, balance work and life a journey, if you want. Your idea of ​​balance will change all the time, so try not to get attached to a specific image. Balance is the yin and yang. Be and do. Work and play. Remember - SELF, work, family and friends. They are like the wheels of a car, if one is flat you're in a bumpy ride. Take care, be well, and do not forget to have fun!

Anastasia Netri is a certified life coach who specializes in work and personal life for home business owners. She is passionate about helping people who have had the courage to start your own business with the skills necessary to be more successful in their business, work less and do more, have more free time and take balance work and life better care of themselves.

Balance work and life Anastasia has been an entrepreneur for 14 years and owned many types of businesses, including a medium-sized company with more than 20 employees sold for six figures at the age of 29. She owns a home business for over 5 years. With their years of experience, she has learned how to successfully balance work and life, and through their actions in programs and group coaching.

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