How Long Do Cats Live

The recurring question about the years of cat and how much time living cats really is common; we are attached to our pets and we are curious about their world, how they perceive life and how long they will be around, which is natural how long do cats live.
To put a very general number, the average life of the cat is between 10 and 16 years. Although, the oldest known cat was much higher than only 16 (he died at age 36, according to legend), so the number how long do cats live is only a guide, even if it is accurate enough.

If you want to know about the overall life expectancy of your cat, it's there for you in black and white. However, with a little care we how long do cats live can all extend the life of our cats at a pretty good level as well.

Here's another fun fact that people how long do cats live are almost always curious as a cat year equals seven human years near, so if your cat is 4 years, which are about 28 human years, so at its best say. More important than these anecdotes cat, however, is the fact that we can actually extend the life of our cats with some pretty simple things of sense.

How long do cats live first, do you realize that an indoor cat lives longer than a cat outdoors? Here's an indoor cat comes into contact with far fewer threats (other pets, fleas, infections, diseases) as an outdoor cat. Now, if your cat is already used outdoors, can be difficult to change, but just realize that this simple step is usually prolong life.

In addition, spray or neuter your cat statistically longer life cat too. That makes sense, because if they are sexually neutral, generally, are not put in compromising positions. It may seem cruel to some (and you have the right to think that)how long do cats live, but if the extension of life is your concern then sprayed and sterilization should be part of your plan.

Caring for the overall health of your cat is the last part of the plan. And that means being aware of diseases (cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, kidney problems) cats usually suffer in old age they receive, know them and how long do cats live treat them quickly could be the difference between early death and long life.

Many people find the bodies of their cats are like yours, a cat needs good nutrition, exercise and clean water how long do cats live to work best; a body that works well only live more simply.

What constitutes good nutrition varies depending on who you talk to, but many people believe that a diet of raw meat (organic livestock meat, of course) is unique. Mineral water is probably better to drink how long do cats live, avoid tap water if you live in an urban area, and make sure your cat gets plenty of exercise and play. If we do, our years of expensive cat stretch and be truly blessed and healthy.

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