Dietary - 4 Basic Steps

The food, as happens naturally and we eat, not a single substance, but a mixture of chemicals or nutrients. If these substances are to release their dietary stored building materials and energy for our use, they should dietary be separated dietary into their components so that the body can handle each one as a separate unit.

Released nutrients from food dietary may remain available to the body. Some additional means of changing their ways may have to follow. Intermediate units must be broken down, simplified, consolidated dietary and re-routed. This complex chemical work must take place in every human being.

This is because human beings whose lives are developed and supported by a dynamic internal chemical environment, is the most highly organized and balanced yet complex organizations. This is achieved thanks to the effectiveness of the control mechanism of the body that keeps the various functional systems that operate in harmony with each other dietary.

Dietary eating is one of the greatest pleasures of life. The type of food we eat is a universal key factor affecting both as defined health of all people. Hence the saying "you are what you eat". This suggests that our health, largely under our control. There are many foods and many ways to build a healthy diet and lifestyle, as well as many opportunities for choice. Dietary guidelines can help you find ways to enjoy the food and physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle. The food guide has three basic messages of good health.

• Aim for a healthy weight
• Be physically active every day
Physical and maintain a healthy weight activity are necessary for good health. Choose a lifestyle that combines a nutritious diet and physical activity. With this combination, you can maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of diet-related conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease and certain types of cancer.

Different foods contain different nutrients and other useful substances. No single food can provide all the nutrients in the amounts you need. For example, orange provide vitamin C and Felic acid, vitamin B12 but not. Tomatoes provide lupine dietary (an antioxidant that helps prevent arteriosclerosis). To make sure you get all dietary the nutrients and other substances needed for health, build a healthy base using like food pyramid (food groups) as a starting point.
Whenever possible, adequate diet should include one member from each group.
Roots / tubers / group of bread / cereals:
The main function is to provide energy for the body. Foods in this group include yams, cassava, potatoes, bread, taro, bananas, cereals dietary (rice, wheat, maize, millet, sorghum. The food of this group dietary will help protect the body against many chronic diseases.

Groups of fruits and vegetables:
Fruits and vegetables provide vitamins, minerals, fiber and other substances (photochemical) that are beneficial to health. Green leafy vegetables are a good source of iron and vitamins examples of which include squash, eggplant, water leaves, spinach, etc. Some vegetables dietary have antioxidant functions, protect the body against diseases of cancer and heart disease.

They include cabbage, cauliflower, onions, eggplant, carrots, tomatoes, garlic, etc., and some fruits such as grapes, apples, strawberries, dietary etc. Other dietary fruits that provide vitamins include orange, watermelon, guava, sour sop, avocado, mango, tangerine.

Meat, meat products, legumes (beans Group) and the Group of nuts:
The main function of this group is to provide proteins. All meat and food substitutes (all kinds of fish, birds, snails, insects, milk, eggs, legumes and seeds) are dietary included in this group. Meat, fish, milk and other animal protein sources provide high biological value. Provide other nutrients include vitamin B1, A, iron, phosphorus, etc.

Fats and oils:
This group provides energy and essential fatty acids. Example comprises palm oil, vegetable oil (olive oil, soybean oil, canal oil, etc.). They dietary dietary should be used sparingly. However, foods that are free of bacteria, viruses, parasites and chemical contaminants are essential to a healthy diet.

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